metric1 |
of or pertaining to the system of measurement based on the meter. |
metric2 |
rhythmic according to a pattern, as in verse; metrical. |
metrical |
of or composed according to a rhythmic pattern or meter. [2 definitions] |
metrication |
conversion to the metric system of measurement from an older system. |
metricize |
to change into or adapt to the metric system. |
metric mile |
in track and field events, a distance of 1500 meters. |
metrics |
(used with a sing. verb) the science of metrical composition. [2 definitions] |
metric system |
an international system of weights and measures based on the number ten, in which the basic units are the meter for length, the gram for weight, and the liter for volume. |
metric ton |
a unit of weight equal to one thousand kilograms or 1.102 short tons (2204.623 pounds avoirdupois). |
metro |
a subway train or system. |
metronome |
an adjustable device that marks regular intervals with rhythmic clicking sound, used by musicians during practice. |
metropole |
a major city; metropolis. [2 definitions] |
metropolis |
any major urban area; city. |
metropolitan |
of, pertaining to, or designating a major city, its suburbs, and other neighboring communities; urban. [7 definitions] |
Metropolitan Opera |
a U.S. opera company of world renown located in New York City. |
-metry |
science or process of measuring. |
mettle |
inherent temperament; character. [2 definitions] |
mettlesome |
spirited or courageous. |
Meursault |
a dry white wine from the Burgundy area of France. |
MeV |
a unit of energy equal to one million electron-volts. |
mew1 |
a small cry made by a cat. [2 definitions] |