motor hotel |
see "motel." |
motorist |
a person who drives or rides in an automobile. |
motorize |
to install a motor or motors in. [2 definitions] |
motorless |
combined form of motor. |
motorman |
the operator of an electrified vehicle such as a subway train, trolley, streetcar, or the like. [2 definitions] |
motor pool |
a group of vehicles maintained for use by the members of a particular business or agency, or a unit of the military. |
motor scooter |
a light, two-wheeled, gas-powered vehicle with two small wheels and a seat over the engine for the driver. |
motor vehicle |
a bus, truck, automobile, or the like. |
motorway |
(chiefly British) a major public road on which one can drive at high speeds, esp. between cities; highway. |
motte |
in the western United States, a small grove of trees on a prairie. |
mottle |
to create a pattern of variegated color and tone on (a surface). [3 definitions] |
mottled |
blotched or spotted with varying colors or shades. |
motto |
a short phrase used to recall or exemplify a philosophy, code of behavior, or the like. [2 definitions] |
moue |
a pronounced distortion of the face expressing dejection, petulance, disappointment, or the like; pout. |
mouflon |
a wild sheep that inhabits mountainous areas of Corsica and Sardinia. |
mouillé |
pronounced palatally, as "ll" in French, "ñ" in Spanish, and "gl" and "gn" in Italian. |
moulder |
(chiefly British) variant of molder. |
moulding |
a spelling of "molding" used in Canada and Britain. See "molding" for more information. |
mound |
a raised pile; heap. [6 definitions] |
Mound Builders |
the early Indian peoples of North America who built extensive burial mounds, mainly in the Mississippi Valley. |
mount1 |
to climb. [10 definitions] |