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nectarine a variety of peach with a smooth skin.
nectary a plant organ, usu. in a flower, that secretes nectar.
née born (used before the maiden name of a married woman).
need a requirement, necessity, or obligation. [10 definitions]
needful being required; necessary.
needle a thin instrument shaped like a sliver, usu. of stainless steel with a hole at one end for thread and a sharp point at the other, used esp. for sewing or suturing. [7 definitions]
needlepoint decorative embroidery on canvas, usu. of evenly spaced stitches of wool yarn. [2 definitions]
needless of no use; not wanted; unrequired.
needle valve a valve having a slender point that fits precisely into a conical seat, for accurately regulating the flow of fluid, as in a carburetor.
needlewoman a woman skilled in needlework; seamstress.
needlework work done with a needle, esp. fine or decorative sewing or embroidery. [2 definitions]
needn't contracted form of "need not."
needs of necessity; necessarily (usu. fol. or prec. by "must").
needy in need, usu. of physical necessities, but sometimes of affection or other forms of emotional sustenance.
ne'er contracted form of "never" (used chiefly in literature).
ne'er-do-well one who is lazy or irresponsible; good-for-nothing. [2 definitions]
nefarious very wicked; evil.
negate to render ineffective or invalid; nullify. [2 definitions]
negation the act, process, or result of negating; denial or nullification. [2 definitions]
negative expressing or consisting of a negation or denial. [14 definitions]
negative income tax a proposed governmental subsidy system in which people having an income below a specified level would receive money directly from the government.