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nod to move the head up and down as an indication of assent, greeting, or approval. [7 definitions]
nodding acquaintance a slight acquaintance with someone or something, or someone with whom one has such a relationship.
noddy any of a group of related tropical terns with dark bodies and pale heads. [2 definitions]
node a knoblike or knotlike swelling or mass of tissue. [2 definitions]
nod off to drop the head and fall into a very light sleep.
no doubt certainly. [2 definitions]
nodular relating to, characterized by, or occurring in the form of a small lump or swelling.
nodule a small lump, swelling, or node. [2 definitions]
Noël Christmas or the Christmas season. [2 definitions]
noetic of or pertaining to the intellect; understood only by the mind or through the reasoning process.
no-fault of or pertaining to a system of automobile insurance in which a company pays all or part of its policyholder's losses regardless of who was at fault for a particular accident. [2 definitions]
nog1 a wooden pin or block inserted into brickwork or masonry to provide a hold for nails that support the woodwork or wooden members.
nog2 a drink made with beaten eggs and often liquor; eggnog. [2 definitions]
noggin a small mug or cup. [4 definitions]
no-good (informal) worthless; contemptible.
no-hitter a baseball game in which a pitcher does not let the opposing team score any hits.
noise sound or a sound. [6 definitions]
noiseless making no noise; quiet.
noisemaker someone or something that makes noise, esp. a rattle, horn, or other device used at a party or celebration.
noiseproof resistant to outside noise; soundproof.
noisome offensive or disgusting, esp. in smell; foul. [2 definitions]