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nonhysterical combined form of hysterical.
nonideal combined form of ideal.
nonidentical combined form of identical.
nonideological combined form of ideological.
nonillion the number represented by the Arabic numeral 1030. [2 definitions]
nonimitative combined form of imitative.
nonimmune combined form of immune.
nonimpact combined form of impact.
nonimportation combined form of importation.
nonimprovisatory composed or planned out rather than being created at the spur of the moment.
noninclusion combined form of inclusion.
nonincreasing combined form of increasing.
nonincumbent combined form of incumbent.
nonindependence combined form of independence.
non-Indian combined form of Indian.
nonindigenous combined form of indigenous.
non-Indo-European combined form of Indo-European.
nonindustrial combined form of industrial.
nonindustrialized combined form of industrialized.
nonindustry combined form of industry.
noninfected combined form of infected.