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nonjoiner combined form of joiner.
nonjudicial combined form of judicial.
nonjuror one who refuses to swear an oath, as of allegiance.
nonkosher combined form of kosher.
nonlabor combined form of labor.
nonlawyer combined form of lawyer.
nonleaded combined form of leaded.
nonlegal combined form of legal.
nonlegislative not pertaining to the creation of laws.
nonleguminous combined form of leguminous.
nonlethal combined form of lethal.
nonlexical combined form of lexical.
nonlife combined form of life.
nonlineal combined form of lineal.
nonlinear combined form of linear.
nonlinearity combined form of linearity.
nonlinguistic combined form of linguistic.
nonliquid combined form of liquid.
nonliteral combined form of literal.
nonliterary combined form of literary.
nonliving combined form of living.