nonrecyclable |
combined form of recyclable. |
nonreducing |
combined form of reducing. |
nonredundant |
combined form of redundant. |
nonreflecting |
combined form of reflecting. |
nonregulated |
combined form of regulated. |
nonregulation |
combined form of regulation. |
nonrelative |
combined form of relative. |
nonrelevant |
combined form of relevant. |
nonreligious |
combined form of religious. |
nonrenewable |
not capable of being renewed. [2 definitions] |
nonrenewal |
combined form of renewal. |
nonrepayable |
combined form of repayable. |
nonrepresentational |
designating a style in visual arts by which the artist does not attempt to portray objects or people of the natural world; abstract. |
nonrepresentative |
combined form of representative. |
nonreproductive |
combined form of reproductive. |
nonresident |
not considered to be legally residing in a particular place. [2 definitions] |
nonresidential |
combined form of residential. |
nonresistant |
yielding or submissive, as to disease, force, or influence. [2 definitions] |
nonresonant |
combined form of resonant. |
nonrespondent |
combined form of respondent. |
nonresponder |
combined form of responder. |