nonscientific |
combined form of scientific. |
nonseasonal |
combined form of seasonal. |
nonsecretory |
combined form of secretory. |
nonsectarian |
not restricted to or associated with a particular religious denomination. |
nonsecure |
combined form of secure. |
nonsegregated |
combined form of segregated. |
nonsegregation |
combined form of segregation. |
nonselected |
combined form of selected. |
nonselective |
combined form of selective. |
nonsensational |
combined form of sensational. |
nonsense |
something, or a collection of things, that is meaningless, illogical, foolish, or absurd. [4 definitions] |
nonsensical |
making no sense; meaningless; foolish. |
nonsensitive |
combined form of sensitive. |
nonsensuous |
combined form of sensuous. |
nonsequential |
combined form of sequential. |
non sequitur |
something such as a remark or a conclusion that does not logically follow from the premise, evidence, or preceding statement. |
nonserious |
combined form of serious. |
nonsexist |
combined form of sexist. |
nonsexual |
combined form of sexual. |
nonshrinkable |
combined form of shrinkable. |
nonsimultaneous |
combined form of simultaneous. |