nonuniqueness |
combined form of uniqueness. |
nonuniversal |
combined form of universal. |
nonurban |
combined form of urban. |
nonurgent |
combined form of urgent. |
nonutilitarian |
combined form of utilitarian. |
nonutility |
combined form of utility. |
nonutopian |
combined form of utopian. |
nonvalid |
combined form of valid. |
nonvalidity |
combined form of validity. |
nonvascular |
combined form of vascular. |
nonvegetarian |
combined form of vegetarian. |
nonvenomous |
combined form of venomous. |
nonverbal |
combined form of verbal. |
nonveteran |
combined form of veteran. |
nonviable |
combined form of viable. |
nonviewer |
combined form of viewer. |
nonviolence |
the policy or practice of refusing to use violent means to pursue political or social aims. |
nonviral |
combined form of viral. |
nonviscous |
combined form of viscous. |
nonvisual |
combined form of visual. |
nonvocal |
combined form of vocal. |