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novelize to convert into the form of a novel, as a film.
novella a short novel, often witty or satirical in its earlier forms.
novelty the quality of being strikingly new or unusual. [3 definitions]
November the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.
novena in the Roman Catholic church, a religious observance in which prayers are said or services held for a special purpose, on nine days in a row.
novice a person with little or no experience, esp. in a work situation; beginner. [2 definitions]
novitiate the condition or period of being a novice. [3 definitions]
Novocaine trademark for a drug, procaine, used as a local anesthetic esp. during dental work.
NOW abbreviation of "National Organization for Women."
now at this moment; at present; currently. [11 definitions]
nowadays during these present times. [2 definitions]
now and again sometimes; occasionally.
now and then sometimes but not regularly; occasionally.
noway in no way; not at all; nowise.
nowhere not anywhere; in no place. [5 definitions]
no-win having no possibility of success or winning.
nowise in no way or degree; not at all.
noxious harmful, dangerous, or destructive, esp. to health. [2 definitions]
nozzle a short, narrow spout or tube fitted to the end of a hose, pipe, or the like, to control and direct a flow or spray of liquid or gas.
Np symbol of the chemical element neptunium.
NRA abbreviation of "National Rifle Association."