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old age pensioner (chiefly British) someone who is too old to work and who receives an old age pension.
old-boy network a group of men who have graduated from the same school or done business in the same circles, and who help each other professionally and politically.
old country the country from which one or one's ancestors emigrated.
olden of or pertaining to ancient times.
Old English the English language from the fifth to the thirteenth centuries; Anglo-Saxon. [2 definitions]
older comparative of "old." [2 definitions]
oldest superlative of "old." [2 definitions]
old-fashioned resembling past styles, manners, or modes of behavior; outdated. [2 definitions]
old fogy one who is annoyingly conservative or old-fashioned.
Old French the French language as spoken between the ninth and fifteenth centuries.
Old Glory the U.S. flag; Stars and Stripes.
old gold a soft metallic yellow color.
old guard (sometimes cap.) the most conservative members of a group, political party, or the like, often in positions of authority or influence.
old hand one who is experienced, usu. in a specified field, practice, or endeavor.
old hat old-fashioned. [2 definitions]
Old High German the German language as spoken and written in central and southern Germany between the eighth and twelfth centuries.
oldie (informal) something that was popular in the past, esp. a song.
Old Irish the Irish language before the eleventh century.
old lady (informal) one's mother. [2 definitions]
Old Latin the Latin language up to about 75 B.C., as found in written records.
old-line traditional or reactionary in behavior or belief. [2 definitions]