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open-end lacking designated or agreed-upon limits.
open-ended not having fixed or set limits; unrestricted. [4 definitions]
opener someone or something that opens. [3 definitions]
open-eyed with the eyes open, esp. in amazement or wonder. [3 definitions]
open-faced having a frank, open face; unreserved; ingenuous. [2 definitions]
openhanded tending to give to others; generous.
openhearted frank or unreserved; candid. [2 definitions]
open-hearth of, concerning, or referring to a type of furnace used to make high-grade steel. [2 definitions]
open-heart surgery surgery involving diversion of the blood so that the heart can be exposed and repaired.
open house a time during which one's home is open to friends and relatives for informal visits. [2 definitions]
opening the act, process, or result of making open or causing to become open. [6 definitions]
open letter a letter, usu. of protest or criticism, that is addressed to a specific individual or group but published in a newspaper or magazine to gain public attention.
openly in a way that involves no hiding or lying.
open market a market in which there are no official restrictions on prices or participation; free market.
open-minded not having preconceptions or prejudgments; receptive; tolerant; impartial.
open-mouthed having an open mouth. [4 definitions]
open primary a primary election in which voters need not declare party membership.
open punctuation punctuation characterized by the use of few punctuation marks.
open sea that expanse of an ocean away from any coastlines; high seas.
open secret something supposed to be secret but actually widely known.
open sentence in mathematics education, a simple mathematical equation or inequality in which one quantity is unknown, such as 2 + ? = 5.