opossum |
any of a number of American marsupials that are active at night and live in trees. [2 definitions] |
opossum shrimp |
a small shrimplike crustacean, the female of which carries her eggs in a pouch between the legs. |
opp. |
abbreviation of "opposite." |
opponent |
one who opposes; antagonist; foe. |
opportune |
favorable or suitable, esp. in relation to time. |
opportunism |
an act or the habitual practice of taking advantage of situations for one's own ends without considering principles or the effects on others. |
opportunist |
one who tends to take advantage of situations to serve his or her own ends, especially without regard for others or of principles. |
opportunistic |
seeking or taking advantage of situations to serve one's own ends, especially without regard for others or for principles. |
opportunity |
a chance that makes something possible or that may bring about some benefit. [2 definitions] |
opposable |
capable of being opposed or resisted. [2 definitions] |
oppose |
to think, act, or be against; resist or obstruct. [3 definitions] |
opposed |
not in favor of; against. |
opposeless |
combined form of oppose. |
opposite |
located at or on the sides opposing each other; facing. [7 definitions] |
opposition |
the act or state of opposing, or the state of being opposed. [3 definitions] |
oppress |
to treat harshly, brutally, or unfairly. [2 definitions] |
oppressed |
harshly, brutally, or unfairly treated. |
oppression |
the act of oppressing, or the condition of being oppressed. [3 definitions] |
oppressive |
harsh, brutal, or cruel. [2 definitions] |
opprobrious |
expressing condemnation or scorn; accusing of shameful behavior. [2 definitions] |
opprobrium |
a condition of disgrace or shame; ignominy. [3 definitions] |