outstay |
to stay longer than. |
outstretch |
to stretch or stretch out. [2 definitions] |
outstride |
combined form of stride. |
outstrip |
to go faster or farther than; outrun. [2 definitions] |
outswear |
combined form of swear. |
outswim |
combined form of swim. |
outtalk |
to outdo or surpass in length, frequency, volume, or effectiveness of talking. |
outthink |
to think more rapidly, efficiently, or cunningly than. [2 definitions] |
outthrow |
combined form of throw. |
out to lunch |
(slang) out of touch with reality. |
outtrade |
combined form of trade. |
outvie |
combined form of vie. |
outvote |
to defeat or outdo in voting. |
outwait |
to wait or be patient longer than (someone else). |
outwalk |
combined form of walk. |
outward |
on, or moving or directed toward, the outside or surface of; external or exterior. [9 definitions] |
outwardly |
toward, on, or relating to the outside. [2 definitions] |
outwatch |
combined form of watch. |
outwear |
to wear better or last longer than. [3 definitions] |
outweigh |
to be heavier than. [2 definitions] |
outwit |
to gain the advantage over by using one's wits, cleverness, or cunning. |