overanalytical |
combined form of analytical. |
overanalyze |
combined form of analyze. |
over and above |
in addition to; besides. |
over and over |
repeatedly; again and again. |
overanxiety |
combined form of anxiety. |
overanxious |
combined form of anxious. |
overapplication |
combined form of application. |
overarch |
to form an arch over. [2 definitions] |
overarm |
performed by swinging the arm over the level of the shoulder. |
overarousal |
combined form of arousal. |
overarrange |
combined form of arrange. |
overarticulate |
combined form of articulate. |
overassert |
combined form of assert. |
overassertion |
combined form of assertion. |
overassertive |
combined form of assertive. |
overassessment |
combined form of assessment. |
overattention |
combined form of attention. |
overawe |
to cause to be subdued by awe; intimidate. |
overbake |
combined form of bake. |
overbalance |
to have more importance or weight than; outweigh. [3 definitions] |
overbear |
to bring down, press upon, or crush using force or weight. [3 definitions] |