overfamiliarity |
combined form of familiarity. |
overfastidious |
combined form of fastidious. |
overfat |
combined form of fat. |
overfavor |
combined form of favor. |
overfertilization |
combined form of fertilization. |
overfertilize |
combined form of fertilize. |
overfishing |
fishing at a rate that prevents the natural replenishment of stock, thus endangering future harvests. |
overflow |
to flow over the top edge of a containing channel or receptacle. [10 definitions] |
overfly |
to fly an aircraft over (a specific area, esp. of a foreign country) for the purpose of reconnaissance. [2 definitions] |
overfond |
combined form of fond. |
overfulfill |
combined form of fulfill. |
overfund |
combined form of fund. |
overfussy |
combined form of fussy. |
overgeneralization |
combined form of generalization. |
overgeneralize |
combined form of generalize. |
overgenerosity |
combined form of generosity. |
overgenerous |
combined form of generous. |
overgenerously |
combined form of generously. |
overglamorize |
combined form of glamorize. |
overgrew |
past tense of "overgrow." |
overgrow |
to spread over with a thick cover of foliage. [2 definitions] |