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participle in grammar, a verb form that combines with certain auxiliary verbs ("be" or "have") to give a verb in a sentence a particular aspect, either "perfect" or "progressive," or voice, either "active" or "passive." Participles can also serve the function of adjectives.
particle a minute quantity or piece; speck; trace. [2 definitions]
particle beam a stream of atomic or subatomic particles projected at extremely high speed and used in research, as into nuclear reactions, or in military weaponry.
particle board any of several boardlike building materials made by compressing wood chips, flakes, or sawdust with a bonding resin.
parti-colored having two or more different colors; variegated.
particular of or pertaining to a single person, thing, or event and only to that single person, thing, or event. [7 definitions]
particularism complete devotion to one particular party, system, or the like. [3 definitions]
particularity the state or condition of being particular. [4 definitions]
particularize to state or specify in detail. [3 definitions]
particularly in or to an unusual or particular degree. [3 definitions]
particulate relating to or made of distinct particles. [2 definitions]
parting a division; separation. [4 definitions]
parting of the ways a separation or point of departure.
partisan a person who is strongly or actively devoted to some cause, idea, group, or person. [4 definitions]
partita in music, a series of related instrumental pieces, such as a suite.
partite divided into parts (usu. used in combination).
partition the division of something, such as a territory, enclosure, or concept, into parts. [6 definitions]
partly in some degree or measure; in part.
partner a person associated with another in a common activity; associate. [6 definitions]
partnerless combined form of partner.
partnership in law, the joint ownership of a business. [2 definitions]