pro1 |
in favor of some proposal, decision, person, or the like.(Cf. con1.) [3 definitions] |
pro2 |
(informal) professional, esp. in certain sports. [3 definitions] |
pro-1 |
forward. [2 definitions] |
pro-2 |
in favor of; supporting. [2 definitions] |
proa |
a swift, canoe-shaped Malay sailboat with one triangular sail and one outrigger. |
proactive |
active or characterized by being active in such a way as to prevent or prepare for events happening as opposed to reacting after events occur. |
prob.1 |
abbreviation of "probable" or "probably." |
prob.2 |
abbreviation of "problem." |
probability |
the quality, condition, or fact of being probable. [3 definitions] |
probable |
likely to occur or be true. [2 definitions] |
probable cause |
a reasonable basis for believing that a person is guilty of a crime. |
probably |
quite likely; almost certainly. |
probate |
the legal establishing of a will as authentic, valid, and binding. [3 definitions] |
probate court |
a special court with jurisdiction over the probating of wills, the administration of estates, and the determination of guardians for minors and incompetents. |
probation |
a trial period or process, as of one's qualifications or for redeeming past failures. [2 definitions] |
probationer |
one who is on or subject to probation. |
probation officer |
a court-appointed official who supervises persons, including convicts, who are on probation. |
probative |
serving or designed to test or prove. [2 definitions] |
probe |
to delve into deeply or thoroughly. [6 definitions] |
probiotic |
beneficial microorganisms found in certain dietary supplements and food products, esp. dairy products such as yogurt. [2 definitions] |
probity |
proven trustworthiness; honesty; integrity. |