Psalter |
(sometimes l.c.) a book containing the Old Testament Psalms, or a version of or selection from the Psalms, for use in religious worship. |
psaltery |
a zitherlike musical instrument of the Middle Ages and Renaissance that has a flat trapezoidal body and numerous strings that are plucked with either the fingers or a plectrum. |
abbreviation of "Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test." |
abbreviation of "Public Service Commission." |
pseud. |
abbreviation of "pseudonym," a false name adopted by someone, esp. an author, to conceal his or her identity; pen name. |
pseudepigrapha |
a group of early writings, some of which were falsely attributed to Biblical characters. |
pseudo |
false or pretended; not authentic; fake. |
pseudo- |
false; pretended. |
pseudocyesis |
a physical condition in which symptoms of pregnancy are falsely manifested; false pregnancy. |
pseudohermaphrodite |
a person or animal that has sex glands of one sex and external genital organs and sex characteristics resembling those of the opposite sex. |
pseudonym |
a false name adopted by someone, esp. an author, to conceal his or her identity; pen name. |
pseudonymous |
having or using a fictitious or false name. [2 definitions] |
pseudopod |
a temporary protrusion of the protoplasm in certain one-celled organisms or in certain cells of some multicellular animals, used like a foot in locomotion or like a hand to grasp food. |
pseudopodium |
pseudopod. |
pseudoscience |
a theory, methodology, or the like, such as astrology, that claims an unjustified scientific basis or application. |
pshaw |
an expression of disbelief, annoyance, or the like. |
psi1 |
abbreviation of "pounds per square inch." |
psi2 |
the name of the twenty-third letter of the Greek alphabet. [2 definitions] |
psilocybin |
a solid, crystalline hallucinogenic obtained from a certain type of mushroom. |
psi particle |
an unstable meson that is thought to be composed of a quark and its antiparticle. |
psittacosis |
a viral infection of birds that can be transmitted to humans as an illness similar to pneumonia. |