punctual |
on time; prompt. [2 definitions] |
punctuate |
to place punctuation marks in. [4 definitions] |
punctuation |
the process or an instance of adding certain marks, such as the question mark or comma, to groups of written words so as to indicate a pause, subordination, or quotation, or otherwise clarify meaning or inflection. [2 definitions] |
punctuation mark |
any conventional symbol used to punctuate written text. |
puncture |
a small hole caused esp. by a sharp or pointed object. [5 definitions] |
pundit |
an authoritative, or purportedly authoritative, commentator or critic. [3 definitions] |
pungency |
sharpness or bite in taste or smell. |
pungent |
sharp and penetrating in taste or smell; acrid. [3 definitions] |
punish |
to impose a penalty on (someone) for a real or imagined offense. [4 definitions] |
punishable |
subject to punishment, as an offense or an offender. |
punishing |
causing injury or exhaustion, usually by requiring strenuous physical effort. [2 definitions] |
punishment |
a penalty imposed for a real or imagined offense. [4 definitions] |
punitive |
pertaining to, imposed as, or imposing punishment. |
punitive damages |
compensation awarded to a plaintiff in excess of actual damages as a means of punishing the defendant for willful wrongdoing; exemplary damages. |
punitive repercussion |
a consequence in the form of a punishment. |
Punjab |
a northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent now divided between Pakistan and India (usu. prec. by "the"). |
Punjabi |
a native or inhabitant of the Punjab, a northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent. [3 definitions] |
punk |
dry, rotted wood for use as tinder. [2 definitions] |
punkah |
a large fan used in India, traditionally wielded by a servant, consisting of a hand-held palmyra leaf or a strip of canvas stretched on a frame that is suspended from the ceiling and operated by ropes and pulleys. |
punk rock |
a loud and insistent style of rock music, characterized by deliberately offensive and aggressive lyrics, which originated in the late 1970s; punk. |
punster |
someone who is fond of or skilled at making puns. |