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putter3 someone or something that puts.
put the cart before the horse to do or place things contrary to their logical order.
put the screws on to compel (someone) by exerting pressure or force; coerce.
put through the wringer to subject to a difficult ordeal, such as an interrogation.
putting green the area of closely mowed turf around each hole in a golf course. [2 definitions]
putto (Italian) a young male angel or cupid, often represented in baroque and rococo art.
put to to ask (a certain question) to (someone); pose (a question) to. [3 definitions]
put to a vote to submit (an issue, matter, or the like) to be decided upon by voting, or to carry out a vote on.
put to bed to prepare someone, such as a child or disabled person, for rest or sleep in a bed.
put together to construct something from parts. [3 definitions]
put to shame to cause to feel ashamed; disgrace. [2 definitions]
put to the sword to kill, esp. with a sword; execute.
put to use to apply or employ to one's advantage.
putty any of several semisolid, pliable substances used for sealing joints, securing window panes, filling small holes, and the like. [2 definitions]
putty knife a tool with a broad, flexible blade for applying putty.
puttyless combined form of putty.
put-up (informal) planned or arranged secretly beforehand.
put up to erect or construct (something). [11 definitions]
put up with to accept or live with (a difficult thing or person); tolerate.
put words in one's mouth to misinterpret or misrepresent what someone has said.
putz (slang) a stupid person; fool. [3 definitions]