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quadrumanous having all four feet adapted for grasping, as monkeys and apes.
quadruped having four feet. [2 definitions]
quadruple having four parts; quadripartite. [5 definitions]
quadruplet any of four offspring born to the same mother in the same pregnancy. [2 definitions]
quadruplicate a collection of four things, such as copies, that are exactly alike (usu. prec. by "in"). [5 definitions]
quaestor an official of ancient Rome who performed various administrative and financial tasks.
quaff to drink, esp. deeply and with obvious enjoyment. [3 definitions]
quagga an extinct mammal of southern Africa that resembled and was related to the zebra.
quaggy like a marsh or quagmire; boggy. [2 definitions]
quagmire wet, soft, sucking ground; marsh; bog. [2 definitions]
quahog a variety of edible clam found along the eastern coast of North America.
quail1 any of a number of ground-dwelling birds related to the chicken and often hunted for sport and food.
quail2 to show signs of great fear, as by shrinking back, cowering, or shaking.
quaint pleasingly old-fashioned; picturesque. [2 definitions]
quake to shake, as from fear, coldness, or the like. [3 definitions]
Quaker a member of the Society of Friends.
Quaker meeting a religious meeting of Quakers, characterized by long periods of meditation and silent prayer.
quaking aspen a North American poplar, the small, roundish leaves of which tremble in even a slight breeze.
quaky inclined to shake or tremble.
qualification that which makes someone suitable for, or is required for, an activity, job, or the like. [5 definitions]
qualified having the required competency, qualities, or skills, esp. for a job. [2 definitions]