quantitative analysis |
the chemical analysis of a compound or mixture to determine by exact measurement the amounts and percentages of its constituents. |
quantity |
amount or number. [6 definitions] |
quantization |
in mathematics, the process of converting a continuous set of values into a discrete set. |
quantum |
an irreducible quantity of energy, such as a photon of light. [3 definitions] |
quantum bit |
a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; qubit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the quantum bit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously). |
quantum jump |
a sudden change in the energy level of an atom or molecule. [2 definitions] |
quantum mechanics |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a theory in physics describing the motion of objects in terms of the principles of quantum theory. |
quantum theory |
a theory in physics that energy radiates or is absorbed in discontinuous quantities, each a multiple of indivisible units or quanta. |
quarantine |
the enforced separation of people, animals, goods, or the like from others, so as to prevent the spread of contagious illness. [4 definitions] |
quark |
any of several elementary particles believed to be components of protons, neutrons, and related particles. |
quarrel |
an angry or bitter disagreement or argument. [4 definitions] |
quarrelsome |
tending to quarrel easily or frequently; bad-tempered; argumentative. |
quarrier |
one who quarries stone. |
quarry1 |
a large open hole or pit dug for mining stone, marble, gravel, or the like. [3 definitions] |
quarry2 |
an animal hunted for food or sport. [2 definitions] |
quarry3 |
something that is in the shape of a square or diamond, esp. a tile or small windowpane. |
quarryman |
see "quarrier." |
quart |
in the US, a unit of capacity equal to two pints or 0.9464 liter in liquid measure and two pints or 1.101 liters in dry measure. (abbr.: qt.) [3 definitions] |
quarter |
a fraction equal to one fourth of a whole. [15 definitions] |
quarterback |
in football, the chief offensive player who calls the plays and is the first to receive the ball in most plays. [5 definitions] |
quarter day |
any of the four days of the year that are regarded as beginning a new season or quarter and on which quarterly payments are due. |