race-baiting |
engaging in verbal abuse of members of another race, esp. in front of a group of people of one's own race in order to agitate and sway. |
racecar |
an automobile used in auto racing. |
racecourse |
a track or route along which races are run. |
racehorse |
a horse trained or bred for racing. |
raceme |
in botany, a type of flowering in which blooms occur on short stalks extending from the main axis of the stem. |
racemic |
of a chemical compound, containing equal quantities of isomers that rotate polarized light to the left and right, so that the net effect is zero. |
racer |
a person who takes part in races. [3 definitions] |
race riot |
widespread violence or destruction in a community that arises from racial conflict or hatred. |
racerunner |
any of several fast-moving long-tailed American lizards. |
racetrack |
a track or course used for racing. |
raceway |
a narrow artificial channel for water; millrace. [2 definitions] |
rachis |
the central axis or shaft of an inflorescence of a compound leaf. [3 definitions] |
rachitis |
inflammation of the spine; rickets. |
racial |
characteristic of a single race or of particular races of people. [2 definitions] |
racialism |
the adherence to or practice of racism. |
racing |
the sport of competing with others to be the fastest, esp. in driving a car or riding a horse. |
racing form |
a printed sheet or booklet containing information about the horses running at one or several racetracks. |
racism |
the theory or opinion that a certain race is superior to another or others because of certain inborn characteristics. Racism can underlie the beliefs and actions of both individuals and institutions, as well as those of a society as a whole. [3 definitions] |
racist |
implying, espousing, or believing in the notion that one race of human beings, typically the race holding the most power and wealth within a society, is superior to another or others. [7 definitions] |
rack1 |
a frame or structure used to hold or display various items. [9 definitions] |
rack2 |
destruction; ruin. |