reactive |
characterized by reaction or response to a stimulus; tending to react. |
reactor |
in physics, an apparatus for starting and controlling a nuclear chain reaction; nuclear reactor. [2 definitions] |
read1 |
to examine and comprehend the meaning of (something written). [16 definitions] |
read2 |
past tense and past participle of read1. |
readable |
enjoyable or interesting to read. [2 definitions] |
read between the lines |
to discern implied meaning from what is actually said or written. |
readdress |
to alter or correct an address on (an envelope, package, or the like). [2 definitions] |
reader |
a person who reads. [5 definitions] |
readership |
the collective body of readers of a newspaper, magazine, or other publication. |
readily |
promptly or easily. [2 definitions] |
readiness |
the state of being willing, available, or ready. [2 definitions] |
reading |
the action or activity of examining and comprehending written language. [8 definitions] |
reading room |
a room, esp. designated for reading or quiet study as in a library. |
readjust |
to bring once again to a more fitting or more correct state, relationship, position, or the like; to adjust again. [2 definitions] |
readjustment |
combined form of adjustment. |
readmission |
combined form of admission. |
readmit |
combined form of admit. |
readopt |
combined form of adopt. |
readout |
a readable body of information retrieved from or displayed by an instrument, computer, or the like. [2 definitions] |
ready |
having done the necessary things to get underway; prepared. [8 definitions] |
ready-made |
made up ahead of time, as clothes in assorted sizes; not custom-made. [3 definitions] |