real3 |
a former monetary unit of Brazil and Portugal. |
real estate |
land, including the natural resources and permanent buildings on it. |
real estate agent |
one whose job is to help clients buy, sell, lease or manage real estate. |
realgar |
the orange-red mineral, arsenic sulfide, used in fireworks and as a pigment. |
realign |
to come to a new relationship or set of alliances, as countries or political factions. [2 definitions] |
realism |
an interest in or concern for what is real and true rather than abstract or theoretical. [3 definitions] |
realist |
a person who tends to see or present things as they actually are. [2 definitions] |
realistic |
of or based upon what is actual or feasible. [2 definitions] |
reality |
the state or quality of being actual or real. [4 definitions] |
realization |
the act or process of realizing. [2 definitions] |
realize |
become aware of, or clearly perceive or understand. [3 definitions] |
real life |
reality; not fiction, fantasy, or representation of reality. |
real-life |
pertaining to or occurring in reality, as opposed to fiction. |
reallocate |
combined form of allocate. |
really |
in fact; actually. [3 definitions] |
realm |
a royal kingdom; domain. [2 definitions] |
realpolitik |
(sometimes cap.) politics or national policy governed by principles of power, expansion, and expediency rather than by ideals or ethics. |
real time |
the actual time in which an event occurs, esp. one being reported simultaneously with its occurrence. [2 definitions] |
Realtor |
trademark for a real estate agent who belongs to the National Association of Realtors. [2 definitions] |
realty |
property that is either buildings or land; real estate. |
real wages |
wages expressed in terms of purchasing power, rather than in terms of money paid. (Cf. nominal wages.) |