registration number |
(chiefly British) the registered set of numbers and letters found on the license plates of a vehicle; license plate number. |
registry |
an office or depository where records are kept. [2 definitions] |
regive |
combined form of give. |
reglaze |
combined form of glaze. |
regnant |
holding the power of a ruler; ruling (usu. fol. the noun it modifies). [2 definitions] |
regorge |
to throw up or discharge violently; disgorge. [2 definitions] |
regrade |
combined form of grade. |
regrant |
combined form of grant. |
regreening |
the process of rehabilitating land that has become barren so that it supports plant life once again. |
regress |
to go back or backwards, as in reverting to an earlier form or stage of development. [2 definitions] |
regression |
the act or condition of return to an earlier form or less advanced state; biological or psychological reversion. |
regret |
to feel sorrow or remorse for (something committed). [7 definitions] |
regretful |
having sorrow or remorse for a loss, an act, or a disappointment. |
regrind |
combined form of grind. |
regroom |
combined form of groom. |
regroove |
combined form of groove. |
regroup |
to form into a group or groups again. [2 definitions] |
regrowth |
combined form of growth. |
regulable |
subject to regulation or able to be regulated. |
regular |
normal or customary. [12 definitions] |
regularize |
to cause to be regular. |