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reinjection combined form of injection.
reinjure combined form of injure.
reinjury combined form of injury.
reink combined form of ink.
reinnervate combined form of innervate.
reinnervation combined form of innervation.
reinoculate combined form of inoculate.
reinoculation combined form of inoculation.
reinsert combined form of insert.
reinsertion combined form of insertion.
reinspect combined form of inspect.
reinspection combined form of inspection.
reinspire combined form of inspire.
reinstall combined form of install.
reinstallation combined form of installation.
reinstate to put back into a former position, condition, or state of effectiveness; reestablish or reinstitute.
reinstitute combined form of institute.
reinstitutionalization combined form of institutionalization.
reinter combined form of inter.
reinterview combined form of interview.
reintroduce to introduce again.