renounce |
to give up (a right or claim) usu. by formal declaration or announcement; waive. [5 definitions] |
renovate |
to put in good condition by repairing, remodeling, or the like; refurbish. |
renovation |
the act or process of repairing and updating (a building or the like) so that the condition is improved and meets current standards. |
renown |
wide honor and acclaim; fame. |
renowned |
widely known and acclaimed; famous. |
rent1 |
a periodic payment made by a tenant to an owner of property for the right to occupy or use that property. [5 definitions] |
rent2 |
an opening resulting from a tear, slit, or cut. [3 definitions] |
rental |
an apartment or commercial property available for rent. [4 definitions] |
renter |
one who rents property from an owner; tenant. [2 definitions] |
renumber |
combined form of number. |
renunciation |
the act or an instance of giving up or rejecting something, usu. as a sacrifice; renouncing. |
reobserve |
combined form of observe. |
reoccupation |
combined form of occupation. |
reoccupy |
combined form of occupy. |
reoccur |
combined form of occur. |
reoccurrence |
combined form of occurrence. |
reoil |
combined form of oil. |
reopen |
to cause to become open again. [2 definitions] |
reoperate |
combined form of operate. |
reoperation |
combined form of operation. |
reorchestrate |
combined form of orchestrate. |