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resistor a part of an electric circuit that provides resistance to some of the current.
resite combined form of site.
resize to make larger or smaller while keeping all other featues the same. [2 definitions]
res judicata a thing or matter already adjudicated.
reslate combined form of slate.
resoak combined form of soak.
resocialization combined form of socialization.
resocialize combined form of socialize.
resod combined form of sod.
resolder combined form of solder.
resole to furnish (a shoe, boot, or the like) with a new sole. [2 definitions]
resolidification combined form of solidification.
resolidify combined form of solidify.
resoluble1 capable of being resolved.
resoluble2 that can be redissolved.
resolute having or showing firmness, determination, or resolve.
resolution mental firmness, determination, or resolve. [8 definitions]
resolvable able to be resolved.
resolve to decide (something) firmly or earnestly, or to cause (someone) to do so. [8 definitions]
resolved being of fixed or determined purpose.
resolvent capable of causing a breaking down into constituent parts; solvent. [2 definitions]