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saddletree a saddle's frame.
Sadducee a member of an ancient Palestinian sect that formed political alliances with the Roman rulers, interpreted scripture literally, and rejected oral law and the belief in a Messiah.
Sadhana (Sanskrit) in Hinduism, a dedicated effort to achieve a goal or reach a desired outcome, esp. pertaining to spiritual development.
sadhe the name of the eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
sadhu a Hindu holy man, esp. an ascetic or monk.
sadiron a heavy flatiron with points at either end and a removable handle.
sadism extreme or depraved cruelty.
sadly in a manner that exhibits or expresses sadness. [3 definitions]
sadness the state, condition, or quality of being sad, unhappy, or regretful.
sad sack (informal) a hopelessly inept, hapless person.
safari an expedition for observing or hunting large animals, esp. in Africa. [2 definitions]
safe providing security from harm, loss, or danger. [8 definitions]
safe-conduct the privilege of passing unmolested through a particular region, such as a contested area in wartime, or the document or escort authorizing such passage. [2 definitions]
safecracking the act, craft, or technique of breaking open a locked safe, usu. in order to steal its contents.
safe-deposit of or designating secure storage for valuable items, as in a bank vault or lockbox; safety deposit.
safeguard a person, thing, or action that serves to protect or defend; means of maintaining safety. [2 definitions]
safe house a dwelling used by a spy agency, underground organization, or the like as a refuge for its members, or by a police organization to protect witnesses whose impending testimony endangers their lives.
safekeeping the act of keeping something safe. [2 definitions]
safelight a darkroom light with a colored filter that does not affect photographic film or paper.
safely without being harmed.