seditious |
of, constituting, or having the nature of sedition. [2 definitions] |
seduce |
to lead into a course of action not considered proper or moral; corrupt. [3 definitions] |
seducement |
see "seduction." |
seducer |
one that seduces, esp. a man who seduces a woman sexually. |
seduction |
an act or instance of seducing. [3 definitions] |
seductive |
tending to seduce; enticing; tempting; beguiling. |
seductress |
a woman who seduces, esp. sexually. |
sedulous |
steady and persistent in an action or duty; diligent. |
sedum |
any of numerous fleshy perennial plants that often grow on walls and rocks and that bear white, yellow, or pink flowers. |
see1 |
to perceive or observe with one's eyes. [16 definitions] |
see2 |
the official seat of authority of a bishop. |
see about |
inquire about or deal with (some matter). [2 definitions] |
Seebeck effect |
a method of producing an electric current in a circuit with sections made of unlike materials that are caused to have different temperatures. [2 definitions] |
seed |
the small part of a flowering plant that is capable of growing into a new plant. [9 definitions] |
seedbed |
a plot of land prepared for planting seeds. [2 definitions] |
seedcase |
any fruit containing seeds, esp. a dry, hollow one; seed vessel. |
seeder |
a person or machine that plants or scatters seeds. [2 definitions] |
seed fern |
a fernlike Paleozoic plant, now extinct, that bore naked seeds upon its leaves. |
seed leaf |
see "cotyledon." |
seedless |
combined form of seed. |
seedling |
a tree or plant grown from a seed. [2 definitions] |