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seismology the scientific study of the causes, effects, and characteristics of earthquakes.
seismometer an instrument that measures movement of the ground, such as movement caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruption, or explosion.
seitan a food product made of wheat gluten and added flavoring, often used as a meat substitute.
sei whale a whalebone whale that has a bluish or gray back and appears in most of the world's seas.
seize to take hold of forcibly and quickly. [7 definitions]
seizure a sudden and violent disruption of usual brain activity, such as that which occurs in epilepsy, which affects the nervous system temporarily and renders the body out of control. [3 definitions]
selachian any of the group of fishes that includes sharks, skates, and rays.
selah a Hebrew word of unknown meaning that often occurs at the end of verses in the Psalms and is thought to be a musical or liturgical direction.
seldom rarely; infrequently; occasionally.
select to choose as a preference from among alternatives; pick. [4 definitions]
selectable combined form of select.
select committee a group, formed on a temporary basis and assembled from members of a goverment, whose purpose is to investigate a particular issue.
selectee someone who is chosen, esp. one drafted by the military.
selection an act, instance, or process of selecting, or the condition of being selected. [4 definitions]
selective characterized by careful choice; tending to exercise discrimination. [2 definitions]
selective service a system of compulsory military service, or of selecting those who will serve therein.
selectivity the condition or quality of being selective.
selectman in many New England towns, one of several elected local public officials.
Selene in Greek mythology, the goddess of the moon; Luna.
selenic acid a colorless highly corrosive acid resembling sulfuric acid.
selenious acid a poisonous water-soluble powder used as a reagent.