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self-restraint control over one's emotions, behavior, or desires; self-control.
self-revealing displaying or revealing one's innermost thoughts, emotions, or the like.
self-ridicule combined form of ridicule.
self-righteous having or marked by confidence or pride in the correctness of one's beliefs or moral conduct, often combined with a pious intolerance of the beliefs of others.
self-rising of flour, having a leavening agent added previously.
self-rule self-government.
self-sacrifice doing without or giving up one's pleasures or personal interests for the benefit of others or from a sense of duty.
selfsame the same (person or thing) as previously mentioned; identical.
self-satirizing combined form of satirizing.
self-satisfaction a feeling of satisfaction or complacency about oneself, one's achievements, or one's abilities.
self-satisfied having or showing satisfaction with oneself or one's accomplishments, esp. in a conceited way; smugly self-confident.
self-satisfying pleasing or satisfying to oneself.
self-sealing capable of repairing itself by sealing, as a tire that seals after a puncture. [2 definitions]
self-seeker one who seeks to further only his or her own interests.
self-seeking the usu. selfish pursuit of one's own interests, rather than those of others. [2 definitions]
self-selected combined form of selected.
self-selection combined form of selection.
self-service the act or process of serving oneself at a store, restaurant, or the like, and paying at a designated cashier's desk. [2 definitions]
self-serving acting to advance one's own interests, esp. selfishly.
self-sown of plants, sown by wind, water, or the like, rather than by people.
self-styled so specified, named, or characterized by oneself, esp. without right or justification.