songsmith |
(informal) a songwriter. |
song sparrow |
a common North American songbird with streaked brownish plumage. |
songster |
one who sings; singer. [2 definitions] |
song thrush |
a common Eurasian songbird with brown upper plumage and a white, brown-spotted breast. |
songwriter |
one who composes the lyrics, the music, or both for songs, esp. popular songs. |
songwriting |
the act or process of composing the lyrics, the music, or both for songs. |
sonic |
of or related to audible sound or sound waves. [2 definitions] |
sonic barrier |
the large increase in aerodynamic resistance experienced by aircraft approaching the speed of sound; sound barrier. |
sonic boom |
an explosive sound caused by the shock wave preceding an aircraft traveling faster than sound. |
sonic depth finder |
an instrument that uses sonar to measure underwater depths. |
son-in-law |
the husband of one's daughter. |
sonless |
combined form of son. |
sonnet |
a fourteen-line poem that usu. rhymes, often in accordance with one or another of certain traditional patterns. |
sonneteer |
one who writes sonnets. [3 definitions] |
sonny |
small boy or little son (often used to address any young boy). |
sonobuoy |
a buoy that receives and amplifies underwater sound signals and transmits them by radio. |
son of a bitch |
(slang, often vulgar) a hateful or despicable person or thing. [2 definitions] |
Son of God |
Jesus Christ. |
sonogram |
a visual representation of sound waves, esp. those reflected in an ultrasound examination. |
Sonoran Desert |
an arid region of the American southwest and northwestern Mexico. |
sonorant |
a voiced consonant regarded as a syllabic sound, as "l," "r," "w," or "y". |