South-West Africa |
see "Namibia." |
southwester |
a strong wind or storm from the southwest. [3 definitions] |
southwesterly |
of, in, or toward the southwest. [2 definitions] |
southwestern |
located in, coming from, or characteristic of the southwest. |
southwesterner |
a person born or living in a southwestern region. |
southwestward |
toward the southwest. [3 definitions] |
southwestwardly |
toward the southwest. [2 definitions] |
souvenir |
something kept as a reminder of a place, event, friendship, or the like; memento. |
sou'wester |
a strong wind or storm from the southwest; southwester. |
sovereign |
a monarch or other royal ruler. [5 definitions] |
sovereign immunity |
a doctrine stating that the government is immune from any civil or criminal prosecutions other than those to which it consents. |
sovereignty |
supreme power or authority, esp. over a state or other political body. [3 definitions] |
soviet |
a popularly elected national, regional, and local legislative body in the former Soviet Union. [4 definitions] |
sovietize |
(sometimes cap.) to place or cause to come under Soviet control. [2 definitions] |
Soviet Union |
formerly, a country, comprising fifteen constituent republics, in eastern Europe and northern Asia; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Russia. |
sovkhoz |
in the former Soviet Union, a government-owned farm. |
sow1 |
to plant or scatter (seeds) in or over the ground. [4 definitions] |
sow2 |
a mature female pig or hog. |
sowbelly |
see "salt pork." |
sow bug |
any of several small terrestrial, oval, segmented isopods, often found under logs or stones; wood louse. |
so what? |
used to express one's indifference to something, or to ask what the significance of something is, sometimes in a sarcastic or challenging way. |