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spark chamber any of several devices using a great number of parallel, oppositely charged metal plates in an inert gas to detect subatomic particles, rays, or the like, which make trails of sparks between the plates.
spark gap a space between two electrodes in which an electrical discharge, or spark discharge, may occur.
sparkle to throw off or reflect little flashes or gleams of light; glitter. [9 definitions]
sparkler a person or thing that sparkles. [3 definitions]
sparkly highly reflective of light and appearing to emit flashes similar to sparks.
spark plug a device threaded into the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine that produces sparks that ignite fuel. [2 definitions]
sparring partner a person who acts as a boxer's opponent in practice rounds.
sparrow any of various small songbirds that have brownish or grayish feathers and are common in many regions. [2 definitions]
sparrow hawk a small North American falcon; kestrel. [2 definitions]
sparse thinly scattered; not thick or dense; scanty.
Sparta a dominant city in the southern part of ancient Greece.
Spartan of or pertaining to ancient Sparta or its people, culture, or the like. [5 definitions]
spar varnish a hard waterproof varnish.
spasm a sudden uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. [2 definitions]
spasmodic concerning, resembling, or marked by a spasm or spasms; convulsive. [2 definitions]
spastic of, relating to, or afflicted by spasms.
spasticity a condition of sudden and uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.
spastic paralysis a condition in which certain muscles remain in a state of continuous contraction, causing rigidity of moving parts and exaggerated tendon reflexes.
spat1 a short, insignificant quarrel. [4 definitions]
spat2 a past tense and past participle of spit1.
spat3 (often pl.) a short cloth or leather covering worn over the top of the shoe and around the ankle, and usu. fastened with a strap under the shoe; gaiter.