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squatter one that squats. [2 definitions]
squawk to give a harsh scream or squall. [5 definitions]
squeak a brief, high, shrill sound or cry, as of an unoiled wheel or a very small animal. [4 definitions]
squeak by to succeed by a very close margin or with great difficulty.
squeaker (informal) a close or narrow victory, as in an athletic contest. [2 definitions]
squeak through to succeed by a very close margin or with great difficulty.
squeaky tending to squeak; marked by squeaking sounds or tones.
squeal a fairly long, loud, shrill sound or cry. [4 definitions]
squeamish nauseated, or tending to be easily nauseated or disgusted; queasy. [3 definitions]
squeegee a T-shaped tool that has a rubber-edged blade on a handle and is used to sweep water or other liquid from or across a surface such as a window. [2 definitions]
squeeze to press firmly together; compress. [12 definitions]
squeeze play in baseball, a play in which a runner on third base starts for home plate when the pitcher releases the ball, and the batter tries to bunt. [2 definitions]
squelch to crush or squash, by or as if by stepping on. [7 definitions]
squib an utterance or brief piece of writing that is witty or sarcastic; lampoon. [4 definitions]
squid any of numerous marine animals that have an elongated body, a pair of fins, and ten long muscular tentacles surrounding the mouth. Squid range in size from quite tiny to over forty feet in length.
squiggle a short curvy or wiggly line or mark. [3 definitions]
squilgee a squeegee used on a ship.
squill the dried bulb of the sea onion, used as an expectorant and diuretic, or the plant itself.
squinch1 in architecture, an interior corner support, such as an arch or lintel supporting the weight of a spire.
squinch2 to screw up or contort (the face, nose, or the like). [4 definitions]
squint to partly close the eyelids. [6 definitions]