stash |
to hide or store secretly (sometimes fol. by "away"). [2 definitions] |
stasis |
the state of equilibrium or balance between opposing forces; motionlessness. [2 definitions] |
-stat |
an instrument or agent that stabilizes or controls, as by keeping something at a set level. [2 definitions] |
state |
the condition of a person or thing according to its characteristics or circumstances. [11 definitions] |
stateable |
combined form of state. |
statecraft |
the art of leading or governing a nation; statesmanship. |
stated |
fixed; established. [2 definitions] |
statehood |
the condition, position, or status of being a state, esp. of the United States. |
statehouse |
the official meeting place of a state legislature; state capitol. |
stateless |
having no official nationality. |
stately |
grand or majestic. [3 definitions] |
statement |
something stated; assertion; declaration. [3 definitions] |
state of the art |
the ultimate level of advancement or development available in an object, process, or the like at a given time. |
stateroom |
a private bedroom on a ship or train. |
state's evidence |
evidence given by or for the state, esp. in criminal cases. [2 definitions] |
stateside |
of, in, or toward the forty-eight contiguous states of the United States. |
statesman |
a man who is experienced in government, esp. one who shows skill, wisdom, diplomacy, and leadership in dealing with public issues such as foreign policy. |
state socialism |
the theory, doctrine, or practice of a planned economy controlled by the state and based on state ownership of major shipping lines, public utilities, and basic industries. |
state sovereignty |
the right or power of a nation-state to govern itself, with independence from outside control. [2 definitions] |
states' rights |
in the United States, all rights and powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution nor denied by it to the states. |
stateswoman |
a woman who is experienced in government, esp. one who shows skill, wisdom, diplomacy, and leadership in dealing with public issues such as foreign policy. |