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stereoscope an apparatus through which pictures of the same object taken from different angles are viewed through separate eyepieces to produce the illusion of a single image having three dimensions.
stereoscopy the study or use of techniques to give pictures the illusion of three-dimensionality. [2 definitions]
stereotaxis the response of an organism that comes into contact with solid matter.
stereotomy the art or technique of cutting solid substances such as stone into specific shapes and sizes.
stereotype a standardized and usually oversimplified and inaccurate conception held in common by many people. [3 definitions]
stereotyped preconceived in a simple and often misleading way.
stereotypical conforming to or influenced by a stereotype or stereotypes.
stereotypy the process or art of making or printing from stereotype plates. [2 definitions]
sterile free of live bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms; uncontaminated; sterilized. [4 definitions]
sterilization the act of sterilizing or the state of being sterilized. [2 definitions]
sterilize to free of live microorganisms; decontaminate. [2 definitions]
sterling of or made of the very finest silver, or .925 fineness. [7 definitions]
stern1 firm and uncompromising. [2 definitions]
stern2 the rear or back part of anything, esp. a nautical vessel. (Cf. bow3, stem3.)
sternmost in nautical terminology, farthest astern; last in line.
sternpost the main, upright post at the stern of a vessel, usu. used to support the rudder.
sternum the flat bone to which most of the ribs are attached in the front of the chest in most vertebrates; breastbone.
sternutation the act of sneezing.
sternward to or toward the stern; astern.
sternway backward movement of a vessel.
stern-wheeler a steamboat propelled by a paddle wheel at the stern.