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stout physically strong; sturdy; thick. [6 definitions]
stout-hearted brave and determined; not easily frightened or discouraged; dauntless.
stove1 an apparatus that uses electricity or burns fuel to provide heat for cooking or for heating a dwelling. [2 definitions]
stove2 a past tense and past participle of stave.
stovepipe a cylindrical sheet metal pipe that conducts smoke and fumes from a stove into a vertical flue. [2 definitions]
stow to put away or store in a place or container. [4 definitions]
stowage the act or process of stowing, or the condition or manner of being stowed. [4 definitions]
stowaway a passenger who conceals himself or herself aboard a ship or airplane in order to ride free or elude pursuit.
stow away to be a concealed passenger, as on a ship or airplane.
St. Paul the capital of Minnesota.
strabismus an abnormality in which the eye or eyes turn inward, preventing proper focusing; cross-eye; squint.
straddle to stay or move with the legs wide apart. [8 definitions]
Stradivarius a violin or other stringed instrument made by the Stradivari family.
strafe to fire on (something on the ground or water) with machine guns from low-flying aircraft. [2 definitions]
straggle to stray from or drop behind a group, as an individual. [2 definitions]
straggly spread out in an irregular way; straggling.
straight extending in a line without a curve or bend. [20 definitions]
straight angle an angle of 180 degrees.
straight-arm to keep (a sports opponent, esp. a football tackler) away from oneself by holding one's arm out straight; stiff-arm. [2 definitions]
straightaway extending or proceeding in a straight, continuous line or direction. [4 definitions]
straight away at this very moment; immediately.