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strike zone in baseball, the area above home plate, specifically between the batter's shoulders and knees, through which the pitch must pass to be ruled a strike.
striking causing a strong impression; very noticeable or remarkable. [2 definitions]
string a cord or slender rope used for binding or lacing. [12 definitions]
string band a musical group consisting of violin, guitar, string bass, and the like, usu. performing folk or country music.
string bean any of the long green pods, eaten when unripe, that are produced by various bean plants; snap bean.
stringboard a board or boards placed along the side of a staircase to support or cover the ends of the steps.
stringcourse a narrow horizontal course of stone or brick, often articulated or carved, that is set into the outside of a building as a design element.
stringed equipped or furnished with strings.
stringed instrument any musical instrument, such as the violin, guitar, or zither, in which the tones are produced by strings played with the fingers or with a plectrum or bow.
stringency a stringent quality or condition. [2 definitions]
stringendo with a gradually accelerated tempo (used as a musical direction).
stringent rigorous or exacting; strict. [2 definitions]
stringer a person or object that strings. [2 definitions]
stringhalt a nerve disorder of horses that causes one or both hind legs to jerk or flex spasmodically at a walk.
stringless combined form of string.
stringpiece a long, usu. horizontal timber that supports or strengthens a framework.
string quartet an ensemble of four musicians playing on stringed instruments such as the cello, viola, violin, or double bass. [2 definitions]
string tie a very narrow necktie, usu. tied in a bow.
stringy having a resemblance to a string or strings. [2 definitions]
strip1 to remove the outer covering or clothing from (something). [7 definitions]
strip2 a long, narrow piece or area of mostly uniform width. [3 definitions]