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there're (informal) contracted form of "there are."
there's contracted form of "there is," or contracted form of "there has."
thereto to that place or thing. [2 definitions]
theretofore up to or before that time.
thereunder under or beneath that or it. [2 definitions]
thereunto to that place, fact, circumstance, or other previously named thing; thereto.
thereupon immediately after that; thereon. [3 definitions]
there've (informal) contracted form of "there have."
therewith with this, that, or it. [3 definitions]
therewithal together with or besides that; therewith. [2 definitions]
thermal of, pertaining to, generating, utilizing, or resulting from heat. [3 definitions]
thermal barrier the maximum flight speed of a given supersonic aircraft in the atmosphere that is set by aerodynamic heating effects.
thermal pollution the releasing of large quantities of heated air or water that disrupt the local ecological balance.
thermal spring a spring with water that is of a higher temperature than the mean annual temperature of the spring's locale.
thermic of, pertaining to, or resulting from heat; thermal.
thermionic tube a vacuum tube in which an electrically heated cathode causes the emission of electrons or ions.
thermistor an electronic resistor made of solid semiconducting material, whose resistance increases with a decrease in temperature, and that is used to measure temperature variations in body cells, microwaves, or the like.
thermo- heat.
thermocline a layer of water between the warm surface water and the cold deep water of a lake, bay, or the like, within which the temperature changes rapidly.
thermocouple a pair of dissimilar conductors, joined at two points to form a closed circuit, that produce a thermoelectric current when their junctions are maintained at different temperatures.
thermodynamic of or concerning thermodynamics. [2 definitions]