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twenty-one the card game of blackjack.
twenty-twenty vision normal visual acuity, or the ability to see clearly what the normal eye sees at a distance of twenty feet.
twerp (slang) a person regarded as ridiculous, insignificant, or contemptible.
twice in two instances; two times. [2 definitions]
twice-laid made from strands of used or old rope. [2 definitions]
twice-told of a tale, story, or the like, familiar or hackneyed because of frequent repetition.
twiddle to play with (the fingers) or move (a small object) about idly, esp. in a circular motion. [4 definitions]
twiddle one's thumbs to move one's thumbs aimlessly in circles around one another. [2 definitions]
twig a small slender branch of a tree or shrub.
twilight the faint light of the sky when the sun is below the horizon either after sunset or just before sunrise. [7 definitions]
twilight zone any vague, uncertain, or ill-defined condition or state, esp. between two well-defined polarities. [3 definitions]
twilit suffused in the soft light of twilight.
twill a fabric woven in a pattern of diagonal lines. [3 definitions]
twilled woven as or in a twill, so as to have parallel diagonal ribs.
twin either of two offspring born of the same pregnancy. [7 definitions]
twin bed either of a matching pair of single beds.
twin bill in baseball, a doubleheader.
twine sturdy string that is made by twisting two or more strands together. [9 definitions]
twin-engine powered by two engines, as an airplane.
twinge a sudden sharp pain of short duration. [4 definitions]
twinight of a baseball doubleheader, beginning in the late afternoon so that the second game begins in the evening under lights.