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ultramodernist combined form of modernist.
ultramontane of or relating to the area beyond the mountains, esp. the Italian regions south of the Alps. [4 definitions]
ultranationalism extreme or excessive devotion to the interests of one's own nation.
ultranationalist combined form of nationalist.
ultranationalistic combined form of nationalistic.
ultraorthodox combined form of orthodox.
ultraparadoxical combined form of paradoxical.
ultrapatriotic combined form of patriotic.
ultraphysical combined form of physical.
ultrapowerful combined form of powerful.
ultrapractical combined form of practical.
ultraprecise combined form of precise.
ultraprecision combined form of precision.
ultraprofessional combined form of professional.
ultraprogressive combined form of progressive.
ultrapure combined form of pure.
ultraquiet combined form of quiet.
ultraradical combined form of radical.
ultrarapid combined form of rapid.
ultrararefied combined form of rarefied.
ultrarational combined form of rational.