unbalance |
to upset the balance or equilibrium of. [3 definitions] |
unbalanced |
out of proper balance. [3 definitions] |
unbaptized |
combined form of baptized. |
unbar |
to remove the bars from; open or unbolt. |
unbarbed |
combined form of barbed. |
unbarricaded |
combined form of barricaded. |
unbearable |
impossible to bear or endure; intolerable. |
unbeatable |
impossible to defeat, overcome, or surpass. |
unbeaten |
undefeated or unsurpassed. [2 definitions] |
unbecoming |
not attractive or suitable on a particular person, as apparel. [2 definitions] |
unbefitting |
combined form of befitting. |
unbeholden |
combined form of beholden. |
unbeknown |
not known, perceived, or realized (usu. fol. by "to"). |
unbelief |
lack of belief; doubt or disbelief, esp. of religious tenets and doctrines. |
unbelievable |
very hard to believe; extremely unlikely or beyond any reasonable expectation. |
unbeliever |
a person who does not believe; skeptic; doubter. [2 definitions] |
unbelieving |
not believing; doubting; incredulous. |
unbelligerent |
combined form of belligerent. |
unbeloved |
combined form of beloved. |
unbemused |
combined form of bemused. |
unbend |
to relax or remove the tension in or from (something bent, stretched taut, or the like); straighten; loosen. [3 definitions] |