uncaptioned |
combined form of captioned. |
uncared-for |
not cared for; neglected. |
uncaring |
combined form of caring. |
uncarpeted |
combined form of carpeted. |
uncastrated |
combined form of castrated. |
uncataloged |
combined form of cataloged. |
uncatchy |
combined form of catchy. |
uncaught |
combined form of caught. |
unceasing |
without pause or respite; continuous. |
uncensored |
combined form of censored. |
uncensorious |
combined form of censorious. |
uncensured |
combined form of censured. |
unceremonious |
without normal courtesy or consideration; abrupt or rude. [2 definitions] |
unceremoniously |
in a manner that is lacking in normal courtesy or consideration. |
uncertain |
not known with certainty; indefinite or vague. [3 definitions] |
uncertainty |
the condition or quality of being uncertain. [2 definitions] |
uncertainty principle |
in quantum mechanics, the principle that two related quantities cannot be measured simultaneously and exactly; indeterminacy principle. |
uncertified |
combined form of certified. |
unchallenged |
combined form of challenged. |
unchallenging |
combined form of challenging. |
unchangeable |
not able to be changed or altered; immutable. |