unfastidious |
combined form of fastidious. |
unfathomable |
not able to be imagined or comprehended. [2 definitions] |
unfavorable |
likely to have a bad result; inauspicious. [3 definitions] |
unfeasible |
combined form of feasible. |
unfeeling |
lacking physical feeling; insensate; numb. [2 definitions] |
unfeigned |
not pretended or false; genuine; sincere. |
unfeminine |
combined form of feminine. |
unfenced |
combined form of fenced. |
unfermented |
combined form of fermented. |
unfertile |
combined form of fertile. |
unfertilized |
combined form of fertilized. |
unfetter |
to remove fetters from. [2 definitions] |
unfilled |
combined form of filled. |
unfinished |
not finished; incomplete. [3 definitions] |
unfired |
combined form of fired. |
unfit |
not suitable or appropriate for some purpose. [4 definitions] |
unfix |
to unfasten; detach; loosen. [2 definitions] |
unflagging |
not wavering or tiring; steady; persisting. |
unflamboyant |
combined form of flamboyant. |
unflappable |
not easily made excited or upset, esp. by a sudden crisis. |
unflashy |
combined form of flashy. |