unfix |
to unfasten; detach; loosen. [2 definitions] |
unflagging |
not wavering or tiring; steady; persisting. |
unflamboyant |
combined form of flamboyant. |
unflappable |
not easily made excited or upset, esp. by a sudden crisis. |
unflashy |
combined form of flashy. |
unflattering |
making one feel ashamed or unhappy about oneself, or intended to make one feel so. [2 definitions] |
unfledged |
of a bird, not yet having feathers developed enough for flight. [2 definitions] |
unflinching |
not hesitating or drawing back; resolute; steadfast. |
unflyable |
combined form of flyable. |
unfold |
to open or spread out from a folded condition. [4 definitions] |
unfond |
combined form of fond. |
unforced |
combined form of forced. |
unforeseeable |
combined form of foreseeable. |
unforeseen |
not predicted or expected. |
unforested |
combined form of forested. |
unforgettable |
not easily forgotten; very memorable. |
unforgivable |
combined form of forgivable. |
unforgiving |
unwilling, reluctant, or refusing to forgive. [2 definitions] |
unforked |
combined form of forked. |
unformed |
lacking a definite shape or arrangement; formless. [2 definitions] |
unformulated |
combined form of formulated. |