unpronounceable |
combined form of pronounceable. |
unpropitious |
combined form of propitious. |
unprosperous |
combined form of prosperous. |
unprotected |
combined form of protected. |
unprovable |
combined form of provable. |
unproved |
combined form of proved. |
unproven |
combined form of proven. |
unprovocative |
combined form of provocative. |
unprovoked |
combined form of provoked. |
unpruned |
combined form of pruned. |
unpublicized |
combined form of publicized. |
unpublished |
combined form of published. |
unpunctual |
combined form of punctual. |
unpunctuality |
combined form of punctuality. |
unpunctuated |
combined form of punctuated. |
unpunished |
combined form of punished. |
unqualified |
lacking the appropriate knowledge or qualifications. [2 definitions] |
unquantifiable |
combined form of quantifiable. |
unquenchable |
combined form of quenchable. |
unquestionable |
not rightly questioned; indisputable; certain. |
unquestioned |
accepted as true, justified, or valid without consideration of any other possibility; authoritative, undisputed, or undoubted. [2 definitions] |